Cédric Pillonel
2003-10-07 06:22:28 UTC
If the scheduling policy is SCHED_RR priorities of thread can only be
changed by the superuser. If the policy is SCHED_OTHER ony the superuser can
raise the priority. Users without superuser priviledges can only lower the
priorities of threads.
I want to run my application as a normal user (not superuser) but I want to
raise the priority of one of my threads (real-time priority = SCHED_RR). Is
it possible?
Thank you.
Cédric Pillonel
changed by the superuser. If the policy is SCHED_OTHER ony the superuser can
raise the priority. Users without superuser priviledges can only lower the
priorities of threads.
I want to run my application as a normal user (not superuser) but I want to
raise the priority of one of my threads (real-time priority = SCHED_RR). Is
it possible?
Thank you.
Cédric Pillonel