[HELP] 'Bytes Counter' debug
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Aleksander Augustowski
2003-08-17 09:44:37 UTC
Hi, at first sorry for my Outlook ...I don't have other usenet reader at
this moment in my hand!
I try to develope program 'Bytes Counter' ...it displays detailed
information about the number of bytes and packets that have been transferred
over a network interface. Please help me test this stuff besause in not
regular moment this shi** exit with SIGSEGV. Unfortunately I don't known why
and how!?

Link to web site ->
http://www.deth.org.pl/~alex/bcount/bcount-1.0test.tar.gz (v1.0test)

I have been received program (library) from
***@elka.pw.edu.pl...it perhaps litle help to debug 'Bytes
Link to libsegvdebug -> ftp://***@ftp.deth.org.pl/pub/segvdebug.tar.gz
Debuged program must be comiled with "-rdynamic -fno-omit-frame-pointer"
flags and LD_PRELOAD system veriable must be exported with path to
libsegvdebug.so 'export LD_PRELOAD=/path/to/libsegvdebug.so'.

Please Help me with this stuff
Thanks and Enjoy

If you Can e-mail to me please remove '_spam' from my address
Aleksander Augustowski
2003-08-17 12:36:01 UTC
Post by Aleksander Augustowski
Link to web site ->
http://www.deth.org.pl/~alex/bcount/bcount-1.0test.tar.gz (v1.0test)
Please use new http://www.deth.org.pl/~alex/bcount/bcount-1.0test2.tar.gz
(v1.0test2) for testing

If you Can e-mail to me please remove '_spam' from my address

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