Serial Port Problem
(too old to reply)
Ian McBride
2003-11-20 11:33:58 UTC
I am sending binary data into a Linux box through a serial port. The data
is received correctly EXCEPT that there are null characters (0's) inserted
into the stream, apparently by the driver, before it is retrieved by the
application. The configuration is no parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, 38400
baud, and the kernel is 2.4.22 on a PIII machine. I know the kernel can
insert nulls prior to parity errors, and probably framing errors too, but I
am not running any parity and the subsequent character is always correct.

Any ideas?
2003-11-21 15:33:47 UTC
Post by Ian McBride
I am sending binary data into a Linux box through a serial port. The data
is received correctly EXCEPT that there are null characters (0's) inserted
into the stream, apparently by the driver, before it is retrieved by the
application. The configuration is no parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, 38400
baud, and the kernel is 2.4.22 on a PIII machine. I know the kernel can
insert nulls prior to parity errors, and probably framing errors too, but I
am not running any parity and the subsequent character is always correct.
Any ideas?
Are they inserted by teh sender or the receiver ?

If it happens on receiver end you might have an old ( 2-bytes uart)

Sending "binary" data w/o checksum/ack/retransmissions methods
seems to be a less then optimal solution however. Why don't
you mak eit 56kbit PPP instead ?
Peter HÃ¥kanson
IPSec Sverige ( At Gothenburg Riverside )
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remove "icke-reklam" if you feel for mailing me. Thanx.