Evolution OM for mono c#
(too old to reply)
john bailo
2003-10-19 19:05:59 UTC
Does Evolution have an OM
that is accessible through
the mono.NET framework?

I want to write a spaminator
in mono c# but build on an
existing email client.
copyright john a. bailo, 2003.
this work may not be reproduced without written
permission from the author.
Tom Shelton
2003-10-20 05:16:05 UTC
["Followup-To:" header set to comp.os.linux.advocacy.]
Post by john bailo
Does Evolution have an OM
that is accessible through
the mono.NET framework?
I want to write a spaminator
in mono c# but build on an
existing email client.

I don't think it is done, but they are definately working on mono
integration into Evolution.

Check out:


Go down to the entry dated October 13, 2003 - Problems on My Machine...

There an entry there for Evolution and Mono.

Tom Shelton
