Post by RaviPost by blahOn Tue, 16 Dec 2003 17:43:47 GMT, Michael Lodman
Post by Michael Lodmandriver.o: kernel-module version mismatch
driver.o was compiled for kernel version 2.4.22
while this kernel is version 2.4.22-10mdk.
What is going on and how do I correct this?
All distributions(well I can't say all, at least the ones that I have
used) ship with the kernel configured to only load modules compiled at
the same time as that kernel. If you want to have no problems
recompile the kernel. I can't remember the exact wording but it's one
of the first options when you do a make config/menuconfig/xconfig.
hi all,
I also have the same kind of problem, but I am using RedHat 9.0 and
kernel is 2.4.20-8, I get error message saying
module is compiled for 2.4.20 and your kernel is 2.4.20-8. If i
recompile the
kernel how can I specify the new kernel in GRUB. And is there any
other way to solve this problem instead of recompiling it.
I have tried specifing -I option with path in gcc while compiling
Thank you,
I have only limited Mandrake experience (and *no* RH) but it looks like
your modules were compiled for a vanilla kernel but you're both using
MDK/RH specific kernels (specifically, the EXTRAVERSION variable has
been bet in the kernels makefile). I guess you could try getting any
updates that are available for the modules on the MDK/RH sites, making
sure the update matches your kernel. Otherwise, compile a kernel, it's
not hard.
cd /usr/src/linux-2.4.18(or whatever)
make oldconfig
make dep
make install modules modules_install
Then you just reboot and you're done. If you want to reconfigure
anything in the kernel, them use `make menuconfig' instead of `make
oldconfig'. Also, note that the `make dep' stage only needs to be done
when you compile a kernel for the first time, or after an upgrade or patch.