Help in developing news client in PHP
(too old to reply)
Ted Pottel
2003-12-30 05:01:25 UTC
I'm telneting to my news server. to learn how to build a news server. (I
plan on using PHP, any better idears) I get the following header
200 News.giganews.com.

Now if I type in any commands, like help I get
480 authentication required.
I tried to send over my user name and pass word by
authentication myusername mypassword
I get
501 bad authentication

How can I log on using telent?????
Chris Shepherd
2003-12-30 21:38:24 UTC
Post by Ted Pottel
I'm telneting to my news server. to learn how to build a news server. (I
plan on using PHP, any better idears) I get the following header
200 News.giganews.com.
It may interest you to know that there is a project out there called Troll,
which works with the HORDE Framework. Its homepage is at:
Chris Shepherd